Q & A

I'm such a horrible blogger. I rarely maintain it because I'm a moody person. For the last two months I don't really know what I feel or what to write. I think that's pretty fair to explain why I vanished for a while. When I got back, people asked questions endlessly. Believe it or not, I know this will happen and I already prepared myself with answers, well..just in case. 

So here's the questions my friends asked me these past few weeks.

Q : How are you?
A : I'm fine. Just fine. I won't say "never better like this before". 

Q : Where have you been?
A : I was pretty much here. Doing my routines and adding some new things to do in my life. People say life is short rite?. I have to do everything that I can do before it's too late  ;)

Q : What kind of some new things?
A : Hahaha..you will laugh if I tell you this. I'm still writing, for my job as a contributor in a local e-magz named Girlliant Magazine, which is pretty much a challenge for me. It's mostly about fashion but also has several main topics like beauty, health and lifestyle. The big news is I'm starting to work on my thesis. Thesis, for God's sake!. So yea, I'm writing for my thesis. Hahaha. It's only the proposal before the real thesis, but I really gave my best and maxima effort for this thing.

Q : Why did you say taking a job in Girlliant is a challenge for you?
A : Because it's fashion!. I mean, I love fashion and follow its news, sometimes. But being there, in Girlliant means I have to get out of my comfort zone. Yes, I had to go to fashion shows etc but people who worked with me was very helpful and understands me. It's really nice to work with them.

Q : How's your friends?
A : Eeerrr..which one?. Basically, I started friendships with a lot of new and interesting people. However there's a price that I have to pay. I lost contact with my old friends. Ummhh.. some of them are being busy with their life, their love, their future (graduation, getting married, trying to get a job etc) and many different aspects in life. Even though, I really missed them, what happens now it's really fine for me, because it's a good thing that the world moves on. And me, I'm still able to stand on my own feet.

Q : Did you avoid them?
A : No, I didn't. Okay, that was a giant denial. Well, I did, a bit. I want to start arranging my life in a good way such as setting my priorities in life, and somehow that means I have to eliminate a few people in my life. Geez, I start sounds like a bitch. Hahaha

Q : How's your heart?
A : (I rarely answer the question, because I don't know what to say) Would you believe me if I say, "it's fine" ?. I will try to be honest...it's broken and gone. I never kept the pieces of it. I mean, why would I do that?. Heart is like a glass, when it's broken you can't just keep it. There's no good in keeping a broken thing, rite? . And I'm really enjoying the heartless me. It hurts and excruciating at the first time. You know, dealing with memories isn't an easy peasy thing, but the pleasure that you got when you can hold on to yourself.., it's priceless.

Q : Most of your friends has graduated from college, how do you feel?.
A : I'm happy for them!. I really do. I went to their graduation day and said out loud, "next year is my turn!." Hahaha. Yeah, I should have finished my study next year because I'm tired, dude. I must finish it ASAP!. I desperately wants to live independently. Not to forget, "Land Of The Free" have been waiting for me. Yippee ki yay!