the 2 minutes that ruined the movie you've been loving for 2 hours

I will blame Jemy, a friend of mine whose an ultimate movie goer that he made me do this. He tweeted me a link about "10 movies with terrible endings" and I was challenged to write of my own, So here I am, with my "the 2 minutes that ruined the movie you've been loving for 2 hours" list. Why it should have to be movie ending?, because I've got tons of HORRIBLE yet SHITTY movies on my list and it'll be a never ending story for me to write it down.

  • The Mist

I was fuckin mad (pardon my french) to myself that I had to pay for its movie ticket. The ending was so unnecessary and horrible. Guess who's the director?, Frank Darabont!. The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, The Walking Dead director. Are you out of your mind? .DARN YOU!. Why on earth he killed his son and the rescue came just 2 minutes after he did it?. It was not surprising. It's disappointing, period. Oh God, I want my money and my two god damn hours back!

  • Signs

In scale 1 to 10, how ridiculous for you knowing that aliens are allergic to WATER?. I was literally rolling on the floor laughing after I saw this movie. Shyamalan, let me tell you something, you even made God laughing for making such an ending for (okay I have to admit) an already sucks movie.

  • The Happening

Zooey made this movie quite interesting, in my-I-know-not so-humble perspective. I was crying and cursing for an hour non stop when it comes to a bad ending and indeed, I did it after I watched this movie. Even heaven can not pay back my disappointment.

  • Saving Private Ryan

This is a great movie. It is. But the ending was so cliche that I can't even just forgive and forget. The big gun battles, the allies came from nowhere and the main characters getting killed. One final question arises, will they receive an Oscar if Tom Hanks still alive in the end of the movie?. Drama enough to say. Raise the swirling trumpets and the American banner,soldiers. 

  • Drag Me To Hell

I can see ghosts, yeah. But this friggin' horror movie was scare the hell outta me!. Why?, its movie scoring, for God's sake. It's not that scary after you watch it more than once. They built the horror atmosphere from music. And again, shitty ending. Evil spirits suck you up to hell,in railways, on a train station?. Dream on, baby.